Sunday, February 23, 2025


We have felt a greater conviction to incorporate more expository preaching (passage by passage through a book) in our diet. Methodically going through a book brings up topics that normally would not have been studied. Instead of us setting the agenda of what to study, the Holy Spirit sets the agenda.

The SHIFT team has written multiple Bible study guides – Daniel, Hebrews, and Isaiah (in progress). The reason for choosing these books is that they both contain themes that many young adults wrestle with.

Feel free to use these study guides for your small group’s Bible study, e.g. one chapter per week, supplemented by Night Shift sermon videos. Hope you will enjoy the study!



Isaiah is a very long book in the Old Testament that very few small groups ever study it in detail. Yet it deals with essential themes around justice, obedience and restoration. It also enables us to understand who “the Messiah” really is through numerous Messianic prophecies. Here is our in-house weekly study guide on selected chapters of the Book of Isaiah:



Week 1: Isaiah 1  |  Sermon

Week 2: Isaiah 6

Week 3: Isaiah 14

Week 4: Isaiah 29

Week 5: Isaiah 34-35  |  Sermon

Week 6: Isaiah 36

Week 7: Isaiah 37

Week 8: Isaiah 38

Week 9: Isaiah 39  |  Sermon

Week 10: Isaiah 41

Week 11: Isaiah 52-53

Week 12: Isaiah 65-66




We often quote from the Book of Hebrews (e.g. “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” – 11:1), but we seldom read through this book from start to finish.

The Book of Hebrews contains detailed explanations and exhortations centered on who Jesus Christ is and why He matters, which is crucial to our faith. It also addresses many controversial questions such as: Can one lose his/her salvation? What happens if one drifts away from faith?

11-Week Study Guide:
Download here

Supplemental video resources:

“Don’t Drift Away” (Hebrews 1):
Sermon video

“Secure to be Mature” (Hebrews 5 & 6):
Sermon video

“The Anatomy of Faith” (Hebrews 11):
Sermon video




The Book of Daniel chronicles the life of a young adult coming of age in a hostile environment. Even when opposition faced him, he was resolute in holding onto his convictions – such a pertinent example for us to follow in our culture.

Apart from the great stories that we have all come to learn and love (Lion’s den, burning furnace, Daniel fast), the second half of the book focuses almost entirely on apocalyptic prophecy, and therein lies the message that you would only catch by studying the entire book: understanding how it all ends, helps us remain steadfast in the midst of uncertainty.

12-Week Study Guide:
Download here

Supplemental video resources:

“Don’t Miss the Signs” (Daniel 5):
Sermon video

“Why Isn’t It Getting Any Better?” (Daniel 9):
Sermon video

“Go Your Way” (Daniel 12):
Sermon video



For more small group study guides, visit here.

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